Working with MyEclipse IDE

IDE (Integrated Development Environment):
There are so many IDE's available in market, some of them are:
  • Eclipse 
  • MyEclipse
  • Net Beans
  • RAD    etc,.,,,
Every IDE contains Editors, compilers, servers, browser, console etc..., If we use IDE, we no need to take the help of any external tools. Now let us know how to work with MyEclipse IDE.
When we start MyEclipse IDE, it asks for workspace folder, as shown in the figure1. We can provide any folder as Workspace folder.

MyEclipse IDE Startup screen
MyEclipse IDE Startup screen

When we supply the workspace folder in the back IDE creates a folder whose name is .metadata. This folder contains all the files related to IDE. We should no modify these files. When we carryout any operation on IDE it will be recorded in .metadata folder. 

Procedure to create a project in MY ECLIPSE IDE: 

Step1: File ==> New ==>  Project 
To open new project in MyEclipse IDE
Fig: To open new project in MyEclipse IDE
  Step2: Select the appropriate project and click on NEXT button.
Procedure to create a project in MY ECLIPSE IDE
Fig: Select from List of projects
Step3: When we select JAVA PROJECT, it displays a window, in that window enter the Project Name and click on Finish.   
Procedure to create a project in MY ECLIPSE IDE
Fig: Enter the project Name and Finish
If we want to delete the project, just Right click on the project and select delete option, then you can see a dialogue box, check the checkbox in the dialogue box and click ok, as shown in figure:
Procedure to create a project in MY ECLIPSE IDE
Fig: Delete Project

Procedure to create a Web Based Application: 

Now let us see how to build a web based project using MyEclipse IDE. The following are the steps to follow: 

Step1: File  à New à WebProject   
Step2: The above step displays a dialogue box, Enter projectName in that and make sure that ProjectName and Web Root Folder name is same and click on Finish.
Procedure to create a web based project in MY ECLIPSE IDE
Fig: WebProject
When we use IDE we no need to deploy the project manually, we can configure IDE to deploy the project. In JEE perspective we can use server view to configure the project in IDE. The following are the steps to configure IDE:
Step1: Goto server view, right click and select an option Choose Server Connector, as shown in figure:
Procedure to create a web based project in MY ECLIPSE IDE
Fig: Server View
Step2: Choose the appropriate server, home directory of the server and click on OK, or use the default servers of MyEclipse. 
Step3: To add the project to the server, just right click on the server, choose the option add deployment.

Procedure to configure IDE to interact with Database Server:

Step1: Open MyEclipse Database Perspective. 
Procedure to configure IDE to interact with Database Server
Fig: Database Perspective in MyEclipse
Step2: In Database prescriptive, right click and select New option, as shown in figure.
Procedure to configure IDE to interact with Database Server
Fig: Add Database
Step3: The above step displays a Dialogue box, provide all the values and click on Finish.
Procedure to configure IDE to interact with Database Server
Fig: Add Database server